A computer network is build up from several components. These components together make it possible to transfer data from one device to another and make smooth communication between two different devices. In this guide, we will discuss the main components of a computer network.
Basic components of a computer network

Server: Servers are computers that run the operating system and hold data that can be shared over a computer network.
Client: A client is a computer that is connected to other computers in the network and can receive data sent by other computers.
Transmission Media: All computers in a computer network are connected with each other through transmission media such as wires, optical fiber cables, coaxial cables, etc.
Network Interface card: Each system or computer in a computer network must have a card called network interface card (NIC). The main purpose of NIC is to format the data, send the data, and receive the data at the receiving node.
Hub: Hub acts as a device that connects all the computers in a network to each other. Any request that comes from a client computer first received by Hub and then hub transmits this request over a network so that the correct server receives and responds to it.
Switch: Switch is similar to hub however instead of broadcasting an incoming data request it uses the physical device address in the incoming request to transfer the request to the correct server computer.
Router: Router joins multiple computer networks with each other. For example, let's say a company runs 100 computers over a local area network(LAN) and another company runs another LAN of 150 computers. Both LANs can be connected with each other through an internet connection which is provided by the router.
LAN cable: A wire that is used to connect more than one computer or other devices such as printers and scanner to each other.